Heathfield & Waldron Parish Council

The Parish Council Offices are open Monday to Friday 9.30 am - 1.00 pm and 1.30 pm to 3.00 pm

Our Telephone Number is 01435 865700 or email info@hwpc.org.uk

The Clerk is Helen Johnson and her email is: clerk@hwpc.org.uk

Any Planning enquiries should be addressed to the Assistant Clerk - Fiona Hensher - email: asstclerk@hwpc.org.uk

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates on what's happening locally 

The Parish Council area covers Heathfield, Old Heathfield, Waldron, Broad Oak, Cross in Hand, some of Punnetts Town and some of Little London. We are responsible for; sports pitches, seven playgrounds, two burials grounds, two allotments, Jubilee Park, the High Street Christmas lights, the community centre, benches, some bins, some street lights, the skatepark, wild flower verges, some flower displays, finger posts, the town clock, CCTV, trees within our land and bus shelters. In addition to all this we also give grants to local clubs, and charities. We are working with ESCC to provide equipment and support to the new youth hub. We organise some local events, and are working towards net zero footprint.
All of this costs serious money, our costs are rising too. For the last few years we have increased our share between 2-2.5%. We have subsidised this by taking money from our reserves in order to keep the increase as low as possible. I’m sure you can all appreciate that this is unsustainable. We don’t want to be in a position that other Town and county councils are in whereby we have no money in the years to come. We have increased our share by 10.5% which works out at £8.83 per year for a band D property which is 74p per month.
With devolution looming it is generally expected that we will have to take on more responsibility, for this to happen we need more resources.
I hope this helps. You are welcome to come to our annual parish assembly on Monday 7th April, where you will have your opportunity to speak. In addition we will shortly be releasing a survey, so you can voice your options, concerns or suggestions for the next three years.


Sign up to receive our monthly newsletter - Click here

To view our latest newsletter click here 

Draft Transport Strategy Consultation

Last week we published our new draft Transport Strategy for consultation.

The strategy sets out our vision for the South East, detailing our plans to improve the transport system to grow the economy, better connect our communities and reach net zero in the decades to come.

We are asking residents, businesses and interest groups in the region to take part in the public consultation to give us their views on our proposals:


Find out more about the vision, goals and missions outlined in the draft strategy and complete the consultation survey, which is open until 7th March 2025

Heathfield Youth Hub Newsletter - Click here

Motorists warned to stay alert to avoid deer collisions

AS the nights draw in, motorists in East Sussex are being urged to be #DeerAware and avoid collisions with animals on rural roads.

There are estimated to be more than 74,000 deer-related traffic collisions across the UK every year, and that risk increases during mating season in October and November.

As part of its #DeerAware campaign, East Sussex County Council is encouraging people to take care in heavily wooded areas or where there are deer warning signs as these are places where deer are most likely to venture out, particularly around dawn and dusk.

Cllr Claire Dowling, lead member for transport and environment, said: “Collisions with deer can result in injury or death for animals and drivers, and significant damage to vehicles.

“With plenty of rural roads across the county, I would urge drivers to take extra care this time of year as deer can appear on the road unexpectedly.

“By following some simple tips, we hope that drivers can keep themselves safe and ensure our deer population can roam freely and thrive in our countryside.”

Advice to motorists includes;

• Drivers are advised to use full-beam headlights at night if no other cars are around, as they will reflect the deer’s eyes, but dip their headlights when they see a deer to avoid startling it.

• Deer often cross the roads in the same locations. Where there are deer warning signs motorists should slow down, stay alert and be prepared to stop.

• Deer often travel in groups so if drivers see one crossing the road they should slow down and drive with caution as others may follow.

If motorists hit deer they should to park in a safe place with hazard lights on and call 101 if the deer is on the side of the road and not causing a danger to others, or 999 if someone is injured of the deer is in the road and a danger to other road users.

More information and advice available at https://www.eastsussex.gov.uk/roads-transport/roads/road-safety/deer

Water main replacement reaches milestone with more than 1.5km laid

South East Water wanted to provide an update on our £5.6 million investment to replace 6.5 kilometres of ageing water main between Heathfield and Rushlake Green.

To date, we’ve laid a total of just over 1.5 kilometres of new pipeline, with approximately 1300 metres in Middle Lane, and around 260 metres in Battle Road. We’re pleased to say that we’ve been able to use the directional drilling method on these sections of work, which is a more efficient way to install the new pipeline.

In Middle Lane, we have installed the remaining section of pipework. This is currently being tested before we can connect customer services to the new main. We will also continue transferring customer services on sections of new main which have already passed testing.

In Cade Street/Battle Road, the latest section of installed main is currently being tested and once it has passed, we’ll be connecting the customer services on this section. Our working area here is currently just west of Chapel Lane.

We would also like to inform you that Liz Faulkner is no longer our Customer Liaison Officer, having had to leave suddenly and unexpectedly. We are, however, pleased to introduce Helen Tucker, who will be taking on the role. Helen has previously filled this position and so is experienced in providing support to customers during our engineering schemes.

Should any customers in your community require any support or have any questions about the works, Helen can be reached on 07866 126589.

Wealden Volunteering at the Parish Council offices

Pop in to see Wealden Volunteering at the Parish Council office the last Thursday of the month from 9.45 to 12.45

Wealden Local Plan Response

Click here to view Heathfield and Waldron Parish Council's response 

Barclays Banking Hub

Barclays Bank will be in the Parish Council offices on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 930-1300 and 1330-1445 and the facility will be available by appointment only. Banking facilities will however not be available.   The contact details for arranging an appointment are 03457 345 345.  

Priority Services Register - free support service to help people in vulnerable situations   

Please click here for more information.

Junction of A267 and B2102

East Sussex County Council Highways department’s response to the public petition which asked for improved safety measures in the area of the junction of the A267 and B2102 at Cross in Hand acknowledged that work was needed. However, based on scoring criteria the location was ranked 53rd in priority by comparison to other sites in East Sussex. The Highways department informed the Parish Council that there are insufficient funds available to do anything at this location. In response the Parish Council submitted a request for a speed reduction in the vicinity of the junction to 30 mph and the introduction of vehicle activated signage.

The Highways department subsequently concluded that there was insufficient evidence to warrant a change to the existing speed limit or such signage. The Parish Council has asked for that decision to be revisited for reasons set out in its letter sent to the Highways department and awaits a reply. 


The  Planning and Highways Committee meeting will be on Monday 10th March at 6.30pm at Heathfield Community Centre.    If members of the public would like to attend please could they email Fiona Hensher prior to the meeting on asstclerk@hwpc.org.uk.    An agenda, minutes of the last meeting and a list of the planning applications will be uploaded nearer to the date of the meeting.

Click here to view the Heathfield and Waldron Parish Council Plan 2022 - 2025

Bay Tree Cafe located in the High Street participates in the Wealden Community Toilet Scheme, allowing members of the public to use the toilet facilities during their operating hours, without the obligation to make a purchase.